Naid, a 25-year-old independent artist from the French island of Mayotte in the Indian Ocean, has released “Bwadra,” a vibrant afrobeat track with an uplifting and humorous twist. Produced by the renowned Aznar Beat—known for his work with artists like MHD, Maître Gims, and Dadju—“Bwadra” delivers a catchy rhythm paired with a simple, fun message: embracing self-love and personal well-being, regardless of physical appearance.
This song follows the same lively direction as Naid’s 2022 hit “Gucci,” which earned the title of Best Popular Urban Song at the 2023 Kmusic Awards. “Bwadra” is the fifth track from Naid’s debut EP, “Ololo,” a 7-song project blending traditional and urban music styles. Each track showcases Naid’s unique artistry, emphasizing peace, happiness, and danceable rhythms, all while maintaining a straightforward and relatable lyrical approach.
For the past five years, Naid has honed his craft, merging Maoraise traditions with modern urban sounds to create music that bridges generations. With “Ololo,” he aims to elevate Maoraise music to national prominence, sharing his love for culture and music with a wider audience.
The track is now available on all major platforms, inviting listeners to dance, smile, and celebrate life.